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Governance/Local School Committee


Please find below details of how our Local School Committee (LSC) is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each committee member. Serving as a committee member is a very rewarding role and the Chair of the Local School Committee would be happy to speak to anyone who is interested in joining the LSC. 

Kate Batorska, Headteacher - Ex Officio 

As Headteacher I hold an ex-officio position on the LSC. I moved to West Dorset from Somerset in 2001 and have lived in Bridport since then with my husband and son. I have been a teacher for nineteen years, working across a range of year groups and have been both Deputy Head and SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). In 2012 I completed a Master’s Degree in Early Mathematical Intervention. This fuelled my passion for pursuing the very best teaching and learning approaches that help our children develop a love of learning and a belief that they can achieve the very best. 

Sally Walton, Chair,  Co-Opted, 5.2.20 to 24.2.28

In April 2023, I was appointed by the LSC as Chair subsequent to the departure of Pete Stone. Previously I was a Co-opted Committee Member. My husband and I moved to West Dorset in 2014 to enjoy the countryside whilst running our businesses. My background is in financial auditing, accounting and small business management. I am now semi-retired, but very busy with my husband's business, running our small holding and holiday let and being a grandmother which is a joy. It is also a joy to be involved with St Mary's and now, as Chair, working closely with our amazing headteacher Kate to both support and challenge her and the SLT  ensuring St Mary's remains this wonderful caring community.

Clive Faircloth, Foundation Governor appointed by the Salisbury DBE, 18.6.18 to 17.6.25 Third Term

I am a Foundation Committee Member, appointed by the Diocese of Salisbury. A lifetime’s experience in education for me involved teaching RE and English in Kent and in Dorset. Within that experience has been over thirty years of pastoral work in mixed comprehensive schools and, having been both Deputy Head and Co-Headteacher of what became an Outstanding school, retirement beckoned. Now I remain active in working in education including working as a governor, pursue a variety of leisure pursuits and the fortunes and misfortunes of Fulham Football Club.  

Christine Proctor, Co-Opted, Safeguarding Governor, 24.5.21 to 23.5.25

I am a Co-opted Committee Member, appointed by the Directors of the Minerva Learning Trust and serving a 4-year term. I moved to Bridport in 2010, and luckily became a teacher at St.Mary's from 2011 until 2019. I taught Year 2 initially and then Year 1, was Key Stage 1 leader, KS1 Literacy co-ordinator, staff Governor and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Prior to this I worked in several Primary Schools in Southampton from 1995, and have taught Years 1-5, and had many responsibilities including SENCO and Assistant Head. In the distant past I worked for the Civil Service as a VAT Inspector! I am passionate about reading, art and music and over the last few years have really enjoyed volunteering in school and working with the children in a more informal way.

Ros Westall, Foundation Governor appointed by the Salisbury DBE & SEND Governor, 22.2.23 to 21.2.27 Third Term

My background is in secondary level teaching, mostly in Dorset until I retired, then I spent 10 years teaching in Millfield School Street. My subject specialisms were Mathematics and P.E. I moved to West Bay in 2011 and became a regular communicant at St John's Church. Since living here, I have invigilated at Colfox School and been a volunteer in Julia's House shop. I swim everyday, either in the sea or at the Leisure centre where I also play tennis, pickle ball and do some classes. I am also a member of the Bridport U.3.A choir I have very much enjoyed working with the children at St Mary's this year, I am with year 1 and in the Hub with the SEN pupils. I believe that my role is to support the children and the staff to enable everyone to fulfil their potential.

Rhiannon Jones, Parent appointed, 12.12.23 - 11.12.27

I joined the LSC as a Parent Governor in 2024 as I wanted to become more involved with my community and support my local school. I have a young family and love making the most of what Bridport and West Bay have to offer. My career background is in the environmental sector working across a wide range of projects that address conservation issues, community and economic regeneration, marine litter, and flooding and coastal infrastructure. I now work within the digital and tech sector looking at digital connectivity, infrastructure and skills across Dorset.

Chrystine Riley, Co-Opted,  8.1.24 to 7.1.28

I am a retired teacher and have been a volunteer at St. Mary's since 2010. Career opportunities and family commitments have taken me from Devon to the South East and the Midlands before returning to the South West and the sea. I have young grandchildren and am very keen that all children should have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge which will enable them to live a happy and successful life. At St. Mary's every child matters; it is important that the school has the support of all the community as it adapts to the needs of a rapidly changing society.

Janet Clayton, Co-Opted 13.3.24 to 12.3.28

I have a passion for working alongside children in order to help them achieve their full potential. I am a qualified Primary School Teacher and have worked with children and teachers in many different ways both in and out of the classroom. I am particularly interested in the different ways that children learn and how to find the ways that best work for each individual child and I am trained in various courses exploring this aspect of education. My specialist subjects are art and music and in my spare time my interests include painting, piano, singing as well as yoga, mediation and various sports.




Please click the logo below to access the Initio Learning Trust Governance structure and Member and Trustee biographies.

The details of the structure and responsibilities of the governing body (the Local School Committee) can be found in the Initio Learning Trust Scheme of Delegation.  See Section 7 and Annex 2.    Notes of meetings can be provided on request.


Initio Learning Trust