Our focus this term is electricity
We will be developing the childrens understanding of what electricity is, where it comes from and how electrons power components.
We will be learning how different objects can be cells and how electricity can be used to send a code. We will also be learning about how to make and draw a variety of circuits using the correct symbols.
Can you find out who the scientist Dame Caroline Haslett was? (Dojos for facts messaged to me!)
Lesson 1: What is electricity
Let's begin by finding out about what electricity is:
Now go on an electrical hunt of your house - how many electrical items do you have? What is the biggest item that you have? The smallest?
Which items need mains electricity? Which are battery powered? Can any use both?
Lesson 2: What is static electricity
What happens when you rub a balloon on your hair? Let's find out about static electricity!
Lesson 3: What are electrical components?
A component is a part of a circuit that carries electrons. What different components can you think of? In this lesson we'll learn about lots of different components and how you can add them to your circuit.
Lesson 4: Can you draw a circuit diagram?
We have special images that we use for different components, can you remember any? Don't forget to send Mr Houston your finished diagram and impress him with your ruler skills!
Lesson 5: Which materials insulate? Which materials conduct?
Let's investigate which materials will be good at allowing electrons to pass through them. Which materials do you think will work? Why?
Lesson 6: What happens when we change the components in a circuit?
What do you predict will happen if I add more cells to a circuit?
What about if I put more bulbs or buzzers in? Let's predict and investigate!